Phone / WhatsApp +7 (922) 886-50-56

Delivery and Payment conditions



How to make an order?

Delivery orders are accepted or withdrawn from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the phone +7 (922) 886-50-56 or on page Nutrition plans.

What days the delivery works?

The delivery works from Monday to Friday 7-10 a.m. The ones who order on the weekends get two or three packages of nutrition on Friday.

Address and time of customer order picking-up

Customer order pick-up is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday – Prospekt Pobedy, d. 6. Discount on customer pick-up is 10%.

What is the cost of delivery?

The cost of delivery is free. For neighbourhoods Mayak, Rostoshi, Byordi, Ovoshevod, Prigorodny, Yuzhny, Ecodolie – 100 roubles. If you are with us regularly, the delivery in the listed neighbourhoods is free.



Online payment

Payment with Visa, Master Card and other services of e-payments.

Non-cash payments for legal entities

We provide for legal entities an ability to pay with an account with the suggestion of all necessary documents. Payment with the receiving/customer pick-up Pay for with cash or credit card while receiving your order