The company Fitmenchef uses only high-quality fresh products while preparing different rations. Everything man eats becomes a part of his body. With our delivery it is easier to get perfect body without wasting time on buying or preparing food and counting calories on your own.
The nutrition was developed on the own experience of 47 kilo loss of weight by our chef Danil Ruban, Candidate for Master of Sports in boxing. He stays fit every day thanks to our delivery. He founded healthy kitchen, worked up more than 365 healthy dishes. Our service guarantees the variety of food in any plan. Using our delivery, you will find out, that healthy food can be delicious.
We deliver the healthy food rations with calories count depicted on every container, and only our service provides full meals description and the time of food intake. Every package includes branded cornstarch cutlery, because we take care of the environment. Ordering food here, you will not eat to excess and will get rid of overeating.